There are a ton of fitness routines out there that promise fast results with little effort. Well, I've decided to examine those physical challenges and test out how well they actually work. I'm not a fitness guru or nutritionist. I'm just a normal person with bad habits and low motivation, but I'm looking to turn that around. So, let's take a physical examination of how well some of these fitness routines actually work.

Monday, March 21, 2016

10 Day Beach Body Challenge: Start

 10 Day Beach Body Workout Challenge 

I wanted to start off with something simple and quick.  I found this 10 Day Beach Body Challenge.  It seems pretty simple enough and has a small variety of moves.  I am a bit skeptical of being able to get a "beach body" in just ten days, but then again, what exactly is a beach body?  It doesn't matter what size you are, as long as you are comfortable then you should be good to go while relaxing next to the waves.  Still, in an attempt to just become more fit and healthy, I'm going to see what sort of results I get from this challenge.

Starting Stats:
  • Weight: 174.3 lbs
  • Bust: 42 1/2"
  • Waist: 40"
  • Hips: 43"